
Archive for the ‘Change’ Category

L’shanah Tovah.

Who wants to be responsible for another?

Who has entered this world and knows his purpose?

Why are you here?

Where are you going?

What will you find?

Will you know when you find it?

Today someone is hungry.

Today a child is without parents.

Today there is someone without company.

Today someone has lost her job.

Today someone is being abused.

Today someone has gotten high on drugs.

Yesterday someone was over looked.

Yesterday someone was persecuted.

Yesterday someone prayed for change.

Yesterday someone’s heart was broken.

Yesterday a child was abducted.

Tomorrow is only one day.

Tomorrow is very important.

Tomorrow someone waits upon you.

What will you do???

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15th Elul 5768

Shalom fellow Talmidim.

If we have learned anything, we have learned that desire outside of action is void of fulfillment. Standing there feeling hopeless wondering why you ever left, your heart trembles at the sound of horse and chariot. Surrounded by myriad’s of others like yourself you suddenly become one in heart, all wanting the same thing, all with the same question. Where do we go from here? We looked to Moses, after all he led this far. Moses, like you, desires deliverance. We cried out. We moved forward with not one perishing. Blessed be His Holy Name. Unless we recognize that we do have responsibility and that it can’t be left to HASHEM  now that we are adults concerning this new thing, the Sea of Reeds before us will always be.

Often people speak of faith and trust as it was something that can be purchased in your local grocer. Faith can not be purchased, nor trust bargained for. We had faith that very day, we trusted that the walls of destruction would hold up until everyone passed through. The Sea was held back while our Hebrew people as well as all those who sojourned with them made it their journey across. There were two key players that day; those looking to be delivered and those looking to murder. There are always two players. Jacob and Esav, Cain and Able, Mt Zion and the idolater’s; the list goes on. There will always be those set apart for greatness and those set apart for disaster. 

We were commanded to eradicate sin from within our midst, to utterly destroy our enemies. There is no room for immorality, not when it comes to God. Blessed be His Holy Name. 

Trust and faith ought to be undoubtedly anchored within each and everyone of us. We take the time to study, we take the time to do. Don’t stand there facing the raging sea thinking to yourself there’s no hope, just remember that HASHEM is there with you. 

I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt. Declare to Me your need, and I will fulfill it. Happy is the people that is thus blessed. Happy is the people whose God is the Lord. 


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